
Geo Jose

Join our Storytelling Community

Stories sell!!!…and that holds true for any conversations you have!

Everyone tells their own stories, consciously or sub-consciously.

The question is – As an organization, business leader, or an entrepreneur, are you telling your stories the right way ? If not, this is your chance to change your life by telling stories that can create an impact.

It could be bedtime stories to make your family happy or scary stories to tell in the dark and grab the attention of your audience. It could be for you to be remembered as a great storyteller or to be remembered for your sales pitch. You could be looking to tell stories with data or to learn more about the style of Disney storytelling. 

If you are looking to explore the world of personal and business storytelling, the search  stops here…reach out for us to help you



Conversations are the core of anybody’s personality. Anybody who can tell great stories will not go unnoticed. If you are an aspiring leader who needs help with the Charisma, then you are at the right place.

course structure and content

Well Researched

The courses offered are well researched. The team studied the traditional storytellers across India to formulate the course offering. By the end of the course, you will be able to appreciate the art of storytelling and its impact on the discourse you engage in. 

Write your own Script

Own Your Stories

You will be able to write a tight script before you address the crowd. There will be special emphasis on a) the economy of words b) humor c) callbacks and much more 

book an slot or get our team to get back to you

Become a powerful storyteller.


The progress of each individual is monitored by our instructors through multiple components such as case studies, quizzes and class participation.

Certificate of participation to be provided in the workshop post completion of the programme.

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